Experts Recommendations
Create Date: 05-20-2016      Source: Music Tree Division

[Experts Recommendations]


The Music Tree is a delightful set of books for young children.

Each page has a charming picture based on stories of everyday life which link to a song with a strong humanistic, moral theme. With these books, young children can develop their natural musicianship and stimulate their imaginations by the simple acts of singing, dancing and storytelling.

(By Penelope Roskell , Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy)



The Music Tree program from Makino Music is built on a child-centered approach that offers both students and classroom teachers space for their own creative play. Activities are designed to invite a variety of participation styles and modalities rather than demanding adherence to a single model. I was impressed with the simplicity and evocative qualities of the materials, and the goal of integrating musical experiences in the everyday lives of young children in school.

(By Lori A. Custodero, Associate Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University)



The Music Tree course recognizes that music is a means to children’s holistic development, and that through songs, stories, games, colorful picture books and Apps, children are enriched in ways that encompass their cognitive, social, and emotional selves.  The course features music as core to learning, and recognizes that learning is enhanced when it is musically substantive, playful, and dynamic.

(By Patricia Shehan Campbell, Donald E. Petersen Professor of Music, University of Washington )



Данное пособие в игровой форме направлено на освоение ребенком основ музыкального искусства в различных видах музыкальной деятельности, что целенаправленно способствует развитию музыкального мышления дошкольников, творческих способностей детей, а также?инициирует становление?когнитивных, регулятивных, личностных и коммуникативных универсальных учебных действий.

( МПГУ, профессор М.С. Осеннева )



Содержание издания направлено на пробуждение интереса к музыке, развитие творческих возможностей ребёнка, активизацию его эмоциональной сферы, воображения, фантазии, познавательных способностей, и, несомненно, может оказать благотворное влияние на формирование духовно-нравственных качеств личности.

(МПГУ профессор фортепиано Елена Красовская )